January 10, 2025
The Living Well Hub has moved to the Clubroom of the Brae Hall, the entrance is on the North side of the hall.
The Living Well Hub is a place to have a face to face chat and find out about:
- Living independently
- Local groups & activities
- Support for unpaid carers
- Services who could help you and your family
- Being healthy... and more!
This week:
- Adult Learning SIC will be on hand to help support you with your basic digital skills between 10am - 12 noon, we can give advice on Internet Security, setting up devices, operating apps and many other IT queries
- SIC Housing will be along 10am – 1pm: The Housing Support Service offers support to people to manage and maintain a home. This service is available to those who are finding it difficult to maintain their accommodation, are homeless or potentially homeless, and those in sheltered housing. It can include things like: help with budgeting and paying bills, planning meals and shopping, emotional support, , help to pursue social or leisure interests, advice on managing debts, help applying for the right benefits and grants, Housing Support is available to all Council and private tenants, and home owners.
- Community Winter Pop In 10am – 1pm at the hub serving bacon rolls and a cuppa, poster attached for information, come along with your knitting, crafts or just yourself
- Lesley from Sport & Leisure will be along with sportswear “kit for all” boxes between 10am – 1pm, anybody can come along and take what they need or make donations should they wish too. This is pre loved sportswear for all ages https://sportscotland.org.uk/kit-for-all/
- Voluntary Action Shetland Volunteering: For anyone interested in finding out more about the benefits of volunteering and support to find a suitable volunteering opportunity pop along between 10am – 2pm. We also help organisations who would like to recruit volunteers. We can offer training to volunteers and volunteer managers. Voluntary Action Shetland Volunteering also administer the Saltire and local volunteering awards. https://www.voluntaryactionshetland.com/
- RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People) will be at the Living Well Hub 12 noon and 130pm, this will be a free drop-in-service. No appointment needed. The friendly volunteers can help with Information on hearing loss and tinnitus, how to do a hearing check, hearing aids and how to access support and services in your area. Please see poster attached re information. RNID - National hearing loss charity