The Living Well Hub

The Living Well Hub

September 6, 2024

The Living Well Hub is a place to have a face to face chat and find out about

    • Living independently
    • Local groups & activities
    • Support for unpaid carers
    • Services who could help you and your family
    • Being healthy... and more!
    • Come along for a cuppa and reminisce about your sporting memories between 10am and 12 noon. There will be some old photos and resources to look at – feel free to bring along anything you have, photos, trophies etc. They will also be taking along some fun activities to help us replay and reconnect with our sporting memories!
    • We at OPEN invite your community group to participate in a Community Conversation to discuss ideas for change from the Alcohol and Other Drugs peer research project. Join us in a non-judgmental space to challenge the stigma and create a positive change. See poster attached. We will be at the Living Well Hub between 10am – 12 noon

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